Upper funnel advertising and the shift to Amazon

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In this episode Adam chats with Daniel Millar, CGO of Beekeepers Naturals on being retail-first and expanding their brand beyond DTC. They discuss why brands should be investing in Amazon now more than ever, and how they tell their brand story using the Amazon DSP. Daniel also dives into Amazon’s direct feedback loops, and the impact TikTok has had on both in-store and online sales.


Working with partners

[3:53 - 4:21]

I think many companies will do this. You bring in experts , you outsource experts. It's usually easier to kind of find these different partners versus hiring that expertise in-house, especially earlier on and Chris and John at Cartograph, two of the smartest guys I know related to Amazon and in general. And so for us, they were great people. We spent some time with them and it was a no-brainer to trust them to really run the Amazon business for us.


[10:15 - 10:41]

Everybody's talking about AMC these days. I know it's everybody's pumped up at Unboxed at the event we're at around AMC. But I do think that's also really helping you to see this customer journey in a way that you never could before to understand the impact that video does have on the customer journey down the funnel as every would, but would assume it does, but this is really giving people now visual evidence and transparency into what their videos are doing at the top of the funnel.


